Herbal Supplements and Teas
The Shoukang Herbal Story
Traditional Herbal Medicine Practiced for Generations

Shoukang Herbal Medicine is a family-owned business with generations worth of experience in herbal medicine. My grandfather trained under a herbal medicine master before receiving a PhD in Traditional Herbal Medicine and holds an Diplomate in Herbology by NCCAOM Board.
Health and Wellness Achieved Through Sustainability

Our health and wellness are connected with the wellness of the human and ecological system. We build on our interdependence and practices that support biodiversity and social equity. These systems of traditional medicine that value small-scale, personal relationships.

The Very Best Products: Our Pledge to You
- Authentic Raw Materials
- Quality Assurance
- Standardized Potency
- GMP Certified
- Quality Assurance from herbal planting to finished products
- CNAS Lab Tests